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You are a monk who entered a state of deep meditation. You are on display as a petrified monk in a museum, and many years later you emerge from your meditation. byDraenai_Foot_Fetish

Like a jelly bubble, the skin reactivated, giving me the flexibility I needed to reach the glass. I peered down the side, to see a hallway of displays, mostly statues that had a creepy organic feel, with hair coming down the sides or painted with leaves or flowers. I didn't want to break the glass, so I unscrewed the handle and heard it drop, not signalling any alarm. I swung the golden door open and crept to the guard for my first conversation in many decades.

"Has the VHS taken dominance over C tapes in the general marketplace?"

"BHS? We have Blu-Ray, that's at least 5,000 times better view, my friend."

"Will ZIP drives rise to mass use around the time of the future?"

"ZIP drives? We have micro-SD cards up to 64 GB of storage, my friend. "

Well, I couldn't think of anything else to ask.

"And how have my investments in tantra fared in this neo-lib future?"

"Tantra, amigo? Porn is the biggest industry in the world! I'm sure tantra takes up a large fraction of it. You're rich!"

writing by jrdnjones